So I've thought of a possible "use" for this blog, but it completely depends on you, the readers. I'd be willing to maintain or create new content, IF I have folks to interact with. So my thought is. . .anyone who's currently mourning a pregnancy loss and just needs support from someone who's been there, leave a comment. I'd be more than happy to offer you a listening "ear" in the midst of your pain. Or if you're pregnant again after miscarriage and just need someone to share your fears or your news or your joy with, I'd be honored to be that person. Sometimes it can be easier to type to a faceless friend than to talk to a supporter in person. It's just an idea, and it might be a bad one. I have the blog set up to notify me when you comment, so feel free to try it out. I'm here in the blogosphere, with cyberhugs a plenty. . .